
Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Russell Lang; Terry B. Hancock; Nirbhay N. Singh (Hrsg.)


192,59 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage

192,59 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage



Verlag : Springer International Publishing
Buchreihe : Evidence-Based Practices in Behavioral Health
Sprache : Englisch
Erschienen : 27. 05. 2018
Seiten : 301
Einband : Kartoniert
Höhe : 235 mm
Breite : 155 mm
Gewicht : 498 g
ISBN : 9783319809182
Sprache : Englisch

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Stichworte aus dem enthaltenen Werk

Stichworte im VLB : ASD prevalence and early intervention, Applied Behavioral Analysis and ASD, DSM-V and early intervention for ASD, DTT and autism spectrum disorder, Discrete Trial Training and ASD, EI for children with ASD, EMT and autism spectrum disorder, ESDM and autism spectrum disorder, Early Start Denver Model and ASD, Early intervention and autism spectrum disorder, Enhanced Milieu Teaching and ASD, Ethical issues of early intervention, Eye tracking and EI for autism spectrum disorder, Motivation and ASD treatment for young children, PMT and early intervention for ASD, PRT and autism spectrum disorder, Parent training and early intervention, Parent-implemented EI, Pivotal Response Training and ASD, Prelinguistic Mileu Teaching and ASD


This book examines early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) programs for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It analyzes current research on early intervention (EI) and explains the importance of accurate, timely detection of ASD in facilitating the use of EI. Chapters address five widely researched EIBI approaches: Discrete Trial Training, Pivotal Response Training, the Early Start Denver Model, Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching, and Enhanced Milieu Teaching. This in-depth study of current EIBI approaches offers a rigorous guide to earlier and more intensive interventions for children with ASD, leading to greater autonomy and improved later life outcomes for individuals.Featured topics include:Parent-implemented interventions and related issues.Evaluations of controversial interventions used with children with ASD.Factors contributing to rising ASD prevalence.Obstacles to obtaining accurate ASD diagnosis in young children.Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and graduate students in developmental, clinical child, and school psychology, behavioral therapy/rehabilitation, social work, public health, educational policy and politics, and related psychology and behavioral health fields.


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Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr

Deine Buchhandlung
Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr