
Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives

Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives

Ki-Hoon Lee; Stefan Schaltegger (Hrsg.)


128,39 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage

128,39 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage



Verlag : Springer International Publishing
Buchreihe : Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science (Bd. 33)
Sprache : Englisch
Erschienen : 06. 06. 2019
Seiten : 305
Einband : Kartoniert
Höhe : 235 mm
Breite : 155 mm
Gewicht : 504 g
ISBN : 9783319890067
Sprache : Englisch

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Stichworte aus dem enthaltenen Werk

Stichworte im VLB : Sustainability Accounting, Corporate Sustainability, Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting, Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure, Sustainability Management, sustainability, corporate social responsibility


This book advances the understanding of corporate sustainability and challenges and roles of sustainability accounting in the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific region has shown fast economic growth for several decades which is expected to continue. In this context, Asia has become the “production engine” of the global economy. At the same time scientific reports reveal that some planetary boundaries are crossed, for example relating to biodiversity and climate change. Companies in the Asia-Pacific region are therefore increasingly challenged to reduce their environmental impacts, to document their social contribution and to contribute to sustainable development. Key approaches to identify sustainability problems and challenges, to support improvement processes and to back up sustainability contributions include accounting and reporting. In contrast to the high relevance of accounting and reporting for corporate sustainability for the Asia-Pacific region, academic research has so far been dominated by Western researchers and pre-dominantly dealt with Western and Japanese cases and approaches. It is thus time to take account of Asian perspectives on accounting and reporting for sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region.


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Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr

Deine Buchhandlung
Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr