
Telling Environmental Histories

Telling Environmental Histories

-Intersections of Memory, Narrative and Environment-

Katie Holmes; Heather Goodall (Hrsg.)


117,69 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage

117,69 EUR
Lieferzeit 12-13 Tage



Verlag : Springer International Publishing
Buchreihe : Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History
Sprache : Englisch
Erschienen : 06. 06. 2019
Seiten : 326
Einband : Kartoniert
Höhe : 210 mm
Breite : 148 mm
Gewicht : 450 g
ISBN : 9783319876313
Sprache : Englisch

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Stichworte aus dem enthaltenen Werk

Stichworte im VLB : place, class, gender, climate change, international, Australia, India, Canada, USA, UK, community, spoken word, rivers, industrialisation, de-industrialisation


This collection explores the intersections of oral history and environmental history. Oral history offers environmental historians the opportunity to understand the ways people’s perceptions, experiences and beliefs about environments change over time. In turn, the insights of environmental history challenge oral historians to think more critically about the ways an active, more-than-human world shapes experiences and people. The integration of these approaches enables us to more fully and critically understand the ways cultural and individual memory and experience shapes human interactions with the more-than-human world, just as it enables us to identify the ways human memory, identity and experience is moulded by the landscapes and environments in which people live and labour. It includes contributions from Australia, India, the UK, Canada and the USA.


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Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr

Deine Buchhandlung
Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr