
Justification and Variegated Nomism / Justification and Variegated Nomism

Justification and Variegated Nomism / Justification and Variegated Nomism

-The Paradoxes of Paul-

D A Carson; Peter T O'Brien; Mark A Seifrid (Hrsg.)


69,00 EUR
Lieferzeit 5-6 Tage

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69,00 EUR
Lieferzeit 5-6 Tage

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Verlag : Mohr Siebeck
Buchreihe : Justification and Variegated Nomism, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (Bd. 181)
Sprache : Englisch
Erschienen : 09. 2004
Seiten : 545
Einband : Kartoniert
ISBN : 9783161484001
Sprache : Englisch

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Stichworte aus dem enthaltenen Werk

Stichworte im VLB : Neues Testament, Judaistik, Paul


This volume is the second part of a comprehensive evaluation of the "new perspective" that has dominated much Anglo-American thought, amongst biblical specialists, for a quarter of a century. The first volume grappled with and evaluated the new perspective's understanding of Palestinian Judaism; this volume evaluates the appropriateness of new perspective categories to the principal writings of Paul, including technical discussion of justification and other crucial words and expressions - all set within the context of the current debates.

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Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr

Deine Buchhandlung
Buchhandlung LeseLust
Inh. Gernod Siering

Georgenstraße 2
99817 Eisenach


Montag-Freitag 9-17 Uhr
Sonnabend 10-14 Uhr